What is a computer virus? | Types of computer virus 2020 | Definition - Compter Gyan 55

Friday, July 17, 2020

What is a computer virus? | Types of computer virus 2020 | Definition

What is a computer virus? | Types of computer virus 2020 | computer virus

If you have own a computer, you've undoubtedly heard a lot about computer viruses as obvious of a concept, that a computer virus is there are a lot of misconceptions about them in order to avoid the problems that viruses can cause it helps to know a little bit about them. Below mentioned what is computer virus in simple words.

Computer viruses never occur naturally. Meaning, People actually code and create computer viruses and then release them and learn what is a computer virus and types of virus.

However, they diffusion is not directly under human control. After Entering, a computer virus attaches itself to another program, in such a way that the execution of the host program Triggers the action of the computer virus.
For example: A computer virus might attach to an excel file.
Whenever the user executes or opens the excel file, the virus will start executing.

In this article we will learn about computer virus.

  • What is Computer Virus explain?
  • Types of computer virus.
  • How can I detect a virus on computer system?
  • How do I clear a virus from my computer?
  • How does a computer viruses spread?

What is a computer virus?

In simple words, a computer virus is a malicious program or software which is loaded onto a User's computer Without the User's knowledge. Computer virus also performs malicious actions and tries to
Access files and folders, and do stuff which requires special permission.

A computer virus is a program that can copy itself and infect a computer without the user's permission or knowledge.

Two major features of a computer virus are the ability to replicate itself and to attach itself to another computer file.

Types of Computer Virus:

There are different types of computer virus. In which we’ll learn about 8 types of computer virus with definitions:

  1. Resident Virus
  2. Space filler Virus
  3. File Infector Virus
  4. Overwrite Virus
  5. Boot Sector Virus
  6. Multipartite Virus
  7. Direct Action Virus
  8. Polymorphic Virus

(1.) Resident Virus: A resident virus is a type of computer virus that hides and stores itself within computer memory, which then allows it to infect any file operated by the computer based on the programming of the virus.

(2.) Spacefiller virus: The Spacefiller virus is also called as Cavity Virus. Spacefiller virus is a rare type of computer virus that tries to establish itself by filling in empty portions of a file. By using only the empty sections of a file, the virus can infect a file without changing the file size, making it more difficult to detect.

(3.) File Infector Virus: A File Infector Virus is also called Parasitic Virus. It comes attached to executable programs such as .COM and .EXE files. Most file injectors only replicate and spread, but some inadvertently damage host programs. There are also file inflectors that overwrite host files. Some file injectors carry payloads that range from highly destructive, such as hard drive formatting, or benign, such as display of messages.

(4.) Overwrite Virus: An overwrite virus is a malicious program that, after infection, will effectively destroy the original program code, usually by overwriting data in the system's memory. However, it spreads through emails.

(5.) Boot Sector Virus: A boot sector virus is a virus which infects the boot sector of a floppy disk or the master boot record of a hard disk. The infected code runs when the system boots from an infected disk, but once loaded it will infect other floppy disks when it is accessed in the infected computer. While boot sector viruses are infected at a BIOS level, they use the DOS command to spread to other floppy disks.

(6.) Multipartite Virus: Multipartite Virus is a type of virus which is infected and spreads in multiple ways that uses a file infector or boot infector to simultaneously attack boot sectors and executable files. Most viruses affect either boot sector, system or program files. Multiparty viruses can affect both the boot sector and program files at the same time, causing more damage than any other type of virus.

(7.) Direct Action Virus: Direct Action Virus is a type of program. These programs are typically distributed from host to host via email or a website that has been compromised. Some are also associated with valid files and are inadvertently executed by the user upon starting a particular program. A virus is usually a lot more than perceived malicious code that acts with the intent to destroy.

(8.) Polymorphic Virus: Polymorphic viruses are complex file influencers that can create modified versions of themselves to avoid detection but maintain the same basic routine after every infection. It can be change their physical file makeup during each infection.

Polymorphic viruses encrypt their code and use different encryption keys each time.
It relies on mutation engines to change their decryption routines every time they infect a machine. In this way, traditional security solutions cannot easily capture them because they do not use a static, immutable code. The use of complex mutation engines that create billions of decryption routines makes them even more difficult to detect.

If you want to learn then click here....

How can I detect a virus on computer system?

There are many different symptoms of a virus infected computer system. In which most common symptoms of a computer virus infection are……

  •      Slow response times.
  •      Random hard drive crashes.
  •      Computer can slow down without any reason.
  •       Files may be corrupted.
  •       Computer has less memory available than it should be.
  •       Computer can restart continuously.
  •       Hard disk or disk drive may inaccessible.
  •       Unwanted files or program may be creating automatically.
  •       Music or sound of computer system may be affected.
  •       Unwanted message will automatically pop up.

How do I clear a virus from my computer?

It is be sure to download programs only from reputable websites.
Install a quality firewall program.
Do not open suspicious emails or attachments and most importantly.
A good anti-virus program installed on computer system.
If you use mind and follow the above advice you should be able to navigate the internet relatively trouble-free.

How does a computer viruses spread?

Well, the answer is quite simple, viruses spread when the software or documents, that they are attached and they are transferred from one computer to another computer.
For example, if one person or people have infected files, MP4 file or a movie in a computer system, and transferring it to another computer, it will be infect.


In this above article I’m trying to know you about a computer virus i.e.
What is a computer virus and types of virus?
What is computer virus definition, Types of computer virus.
How can I detect a virus on computer system?
How do I clear a virus from my computer?
How does a computer viruses spread?
If this article helpful for you then please share this article on social media like facebook, twitter, etc and with your friends.

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