What is a Computer? | Definition Of Computer - Compter Gyan 55

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What is a Computer? | Definition Of Computer

This article will help you to know about What is a computer?, Definition Of Computer and about all thing of computer.

What is a computer? | Definition Of Computer

A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. Computer has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data. 

      In other words you can use of computer types documents, send email, play games, and browse the Web. Now a days computers are electronic devices that accept input data, process that data, produce output, and store the results.

What is a computer | parts of computer | computer parts
  Parts of computer

The word Computer has its origin in the word "COMPUTE" in English which means "to calculate". Therefore, it is clear that the computer has a direct relationship with the calculating device, at present its area has become very wide rather than being limited only to computation. 

The computer due to its high storage capacity, speed, automation, efficiency, accuracy, versatility, reliability, remembering power of our life. It is becoming important in every field.

These days Computers are being utilized in each locale of the world, for example - space, film creation, traffic, industry exchange, railway station, school, air terminal, and so forth.

Though reservation of seats in planes, trains and lodgings is Completely by Computer, then again, because of Computer in banks, the work is being finished with precision and speed.

Introduction Of Computer:

The Computer has become a significant piece of our life. It is utilized every day from school to office. What's more, Computers are additionally being utilized a ton in homes for taking care of every day work.

So we as a whole ought to present Computer well. At exactly that point would we be able to prevail with regards to utilizing this electronic gadget appropriately. 

What's more, significant inquiries identified with Computers are likewise posed in rivalries. Because of this, it is critical to have essential information on the Computer.

Remembering every one of these things, we have arranged in  this article. In which we are giving complete information about the Computer. For the comfort of the study, we have partitioned this article into the following parts.

Definition Of Computer:

A computer is electronic device that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically via computer programming.

Different Types Of Computers:

At the point when many people hear the term Computer,  they think about a Computer, for example, a Laptop or Computer.

         In any case, Computers come in numerous sizes, and they perform various undertakings in our day by day lives. At the point when you pull back money from an ATM, check food supplies at the store, or utilize a number cruncher, it implies that you are utilizing a sort of Computer.

Desktop Computer:

Numerous individuals use personal computers at work, home and school. Work stations are intended to be put on a work area, and they are normally comprised of a couple of individual parts, including a Computer case, monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

Introduction of computers | desktop computer | what is a computer
Desktop Computer

Laptop Computer:

The second type of computer you are familiar with is a laptop computer, commonly called a laptop. Laptops are mainly based on battery power. Which is more portable than desktops, and easy to use anywhere.
Laptop computer | introduction of computer | types of computer
Laptop Computer

Tablet Computer:

Tablet computers or tablet are handheld computers that are also more portable than laptops. It is without keyboard and mouse, tablets use a touch-sensitive screen for typing and navigation. For example iPad is a tablet.
Tablet computer | introduction of computer | what is a computer | types of computer
  Tablet Computer


A server is a computer that provides information to other computers on the network. For example, whenever you use the Internet, you are looking at a server that is stored on the server. Many companies are also use servers for store data.

What is a computer | servers | server | types of computer


Father Of Computer:

The development of this is perhaps the biggest innovation on the planet. Since it changed the entire world. All work is currently done from this. This has made human work simple.

Do you realize who imagined it and who is the Father Of Computer. On the off chance that you don't have a clue, at that point realize that the individual who developed it is named Charles Babbage.

Father of computer | charles babbage | charles babbage image
Charles Babbage

Charles Babbage is said to be the Father Of Computer, who manufactured a mechanical Computer called "Differential motor" in 1822.

Incidentally, numerous individuals have contributed with time to create or create it. In 1837, he acquainted the primary present day framework with the world as Analytical motor.

The Analytical motor utilized ALU (Arithmetic and Logic unit), essential stream control and coordinated memory. The present frameworks are additionally based on this model. This is the motivation behind why he is known as the dad of the advanced age framework.

Computer Full Form, (Full Forms of Computer):

Even today, as a result of being a really helpful machine, laptops haven't been ready to bind a computer to a definition. during this link, the total name of the computer is additionally mentioned. that totally different folks and establishments have understood otherwise supported their expertise.

However, none of those is Standard Full Form. we've given below the total kind of a laptop for you. that is kind of in style and communicatory.

C – Common
O – Operating
M – Machine
P – Particularly
U – Used in
T – Technology
E – Education and
R – Research

History Of Computer:

Present day Computer are the aftereffect of history. Which began in BC. At the point when the Chinese designed the math device. After this different kinds of programmed machines appeared. Also, the programmed motor made by Charles Babbage turned into the premise of the present Computer.

The historical backdrop of Computer is brimming with comparative high points and low points. Which are summed up beneath.

  • Math device was the primary figuring machine on the planet by which ordinary computations (include, take away) should be possible. 
  • Math device was developed around 2500 years back (its specific time isn't known) by Chinese. 
  • This gadget remained the main weapon to be gunned until the seventeenth century. 
  • In 1017 John Napier referenced his numerical devices in his book "Rabdology". Named "Napier's Bones". This gadget was utilized to ascertain the items and discover the remainder. The strategy used to perform figuring in this gadget was called 'Rebology'. 
  • Expansion, deduction, increase, division should likewise be possible by this gadget. 
  • A couple of years after John Napier's innovation (around 1620), the Honorable William Oughtred concocted the "Slide Rule". 
  • By this, figuring like augmentation, division, square root, trigonometry should be possible. Be that as it may, less utilized for expansion and deduction. 
  • In 1642, at 18 years old, Math was the principal viable mechanical adding machine made by a French researcher and logician. 
  • The name of this adding machine was "Pascalin". 
  • By which estimations should be possible. 
  • At that point in 1671, a propelled machine named Step Reckoner was designed, improving Pascalin. Notwithstanding including, deducting, could likewise do duplication, division, square root. 
  • This machine, created by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, additionally had capacity limit. 
  • The Binary System was additionally evolved by them. In 1845, an English numerical branch named 'Boolean Algebra' was developed by an Englishman George Boole. 
  • Present day PCs depend on this parallel framework and the Bullyin variable based math for information handling and legitimate assignments. 
  • In 1804 Joseph-Marie-Jacquard, a French weaver, made a handloom. Whose name was 'Jacquard Loom'. 
  • It is viewed as the primary 'data prepared' gadget. 
  • What's more, the innovation of this gadget demonstrated that machines could be worked by machine code. 
  • In 1820, Thomas de Colmar of France made another computing machine called "Arithmometer". 
  • By which four fundamental elements of arithmetic can be included, deducted, increased, isolated. 
  • Be that as it may, because of World War II, the advancement of this machine halted. 
  • In 1822, the dad of present day PCs, the Honorable 'Charles Babbage' imagined a programmed mechanical number cruncher to organize the "polynomial capacity". 
  • The name of this mini-computer was "Contrast Engine". 
  • It was driven by steam and its size was extremely huge. 
  • It had the capacity to store, ascertain and print programs. 
  • In 1833, "Logical Engine" was planned after about a time of this motor. 
  • This motor is viewed as the underlying organization of present day PCs. That is the reason "Charles Babbage" is known as the dad of the PC. 
  • This machine had all the things that are in a cutting edge PC. 
  • In Analytical Engine, Mill (CPU), Store (Memory), Reader and Printer (Input/Output) were working. 
  • Presently the establishment of current Computers had been laid.

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